Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sushi Sushi

I'll keep this one simple: Don't bother.

Ok, I can't resist the temptation to heave further insults... When you sit at a sushi bar, you don't expect that the only Asian person on either side of said bar is your half-Japanese girlfriend. Two Latina chefs--who I'm sure are great cooks in other capacities--came out to work "the machine." They poured cooked rice into the top, inserted a sheet of nori at the bottom, pulled a lever, and out came a perfectly shaped layer of rice. Lame. Next they read off a cheat sheet of roll ingredients. Voila! Sushi that's no better than the stuff you buy cold at Safeway (Balducci's has better stuff). /Rant over

The good:
Cheap cheap cheap
The Japanese(!) waitress was attentive without being a nuisance

The bad:
Everything else
Seriously, even the parking lot next door sucked

Not recommended, unless you are the type of person who likes a Burger King breakfast, those 2-day old wraps at your office building's snack shop, and a cup of ramen for dinner e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y.

Sushi Sushi (the latest review on that site must've been written by the manager. Four stars?!!!)

*The pic of Kristin Kreuk is there purely to offset the yuckiness of this review. And b/c she's half-Asian.

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